International Conference of FEE EcoCampus

The 2nd Eco-Campus International Conference invites researchers, educators, and practitioners to submit original research papers that contribute to the advancement of sustainability in higher education.

Exploring applied and collaborative strategies for integrating ecosystem restoration into academic programs and campus operations. What ethical and ontological perspectives are guiding this work (for example, indigenous, biocentric, post-human) and how can they help foster interconnectedness and responsibility?

Mobilising higher education for sustainable development within ‘A Whole-System Approach’. What are the roles of higher education institutions in advancing the objectives of the Greening Education Partnership, across disciplines, sectors and education levels? Discuss opportunities and imperatives for inclusion of multiple viewpoints and marginalised voices in a new A Whole-System Approach.

Sharing innovative approaches and success stories. How can good sustainability practices and quality standards in Higher Education be recognised, enhanced and mainstreamed?
Explore the impact of government regulations, corporate social responsibility initiatives, and public-private partnerships on higher education’s response to the climate crisis. What opportunities are being found for collaborative learning and transformation across sectors? What are the implications for green careers?
Analyse the role of vocational schools in preparing students for Green Jobs and advancing the green transformation in various sectors. Discuss strategies for integrating sustainability competencies into vocational training programs (e.g. hospitality schools and teacher training).
Sharing inspiring case-studies and examples of student leadership in campus initiatives, collaborative action, and applied research for sustainability and climate action. What is the role and responsibility of students in Greening Higher Education and how is this advancing learning (as well as environmental) outcomes? Testimonials and examples from the Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) programme are welcomed.
Engage with leading academics, policymakers, and sustainability practitioners.
Selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings or a special journal issue.
Awards for outstanding papers in key thematic areas.
Present your research to an international audience and receive valuable feedback
Enhance your expertise in integrating sustainability into higher education practices

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    Exploring applied and collaborative strategies for integrating ecosystem restoration into academic programs and campus operations. What ethical and ontological perspectives are guiding this work (for example, indigenous, biocentric, post-human) and how can they help foster interconnectedness and responsibility?

    Mobilising higher education for sustainable development within a ‘whole-system approach’. What are the roles of higher education institutions in advancing the objectives of the Greening Education Partnership, across disciplines, sectors and education levels? Discuss opportunities and imperatives for inclusion of multiple viewpoints and marginalised voices in a new a ‘whole-system’ approach.

    Sharing innovative approaches and success stories. How can good sustainability practices and quality standards in Higher Education be recognised, enhanced and mainstreamed?
    Explore the impact of government regulations, corporate social responsibility initiatives, and public-private partnerships on higher education’s response to the climate crisis. What opportunities are being found for collaborative learning and transformation across sectors? What are the implications for green careers?
    Analyse the role of vocational schools in preparing students for Green Jobs and advancing the green transformation in various sectors. Discuss strategies for integrating sustainability competencies into vocational training programs (e.g. hospitality schools and teacher training).
    Sharing inspiring case-studies and examples of student leadership in campus initiatives, collaborative action, and applied research for sustainability and climate action. What is the role and responsibility of students in Greening Higher Education and how is this advancing learning (as well as environmental) outcomes? Testimonials and examples from the Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) programme are welcomed.
    Engage with leading academics, policymakers, and sustainability practitioners.
    Selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings or a special journal issue.
    Awards for outstanding papers in key thematic areas.
    Present your research to an international audience and receive valuable feedback
    Enhance your expertise in integrating sustainability into higher education practices


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